Assault Courses
160' Challenge Course- NEW

Approximate size: 12'w x 160'd x 15'h
Suitable for: Adults & Children
Hire price: From £660.00

The 160' Assault Course incorporates the existing 100' course below but also with the addition of two fantastic 30' sections. The one part has a climbing block wall with high slide off and the other being a 4' high seesaw bed making two player competitions extremely difficult! One staff member is included with this unit within the price.

To view a short video of the 160ft Assault Course fully inflated, click here.


Terminator Assault - NEW
Approximate size: 12'w x 30'd x 15'h
Suitable for: Adults & Children
Hire price: From £175.00

When space saving and budget are a consideration, you should take a look at this popular Obstacle Course. With this being a Head to Head Eliminator, multiples of two challengers race through, over, under and between the various obstacles. The Sting!! At the return point of the obstacle is a 'Hole in the Wall' that the challengers pass through. Usually they cross at this point, thus ensuing confusion means they have to use all their strength to make to return to the Start/Finish and complete the game.


Knockout Assault - NEW
Approximate size: 12'w x 60'd x 15'h
Suitable for: Adults & Children
Hire price: From £250.00

This unit incorporates the terminator assault course above with the addition of a wedge slide on the end.

100' Mega Assault Course

Click images above and below to Enlarge

Approximate size: 15’w x 50’d to 100'd
Suitable for: Children & Adults
Hire price: From £220.00 to £440.00

An amazing unit and so visually impressive! Over one hundred feet of inflatable challenges from hurdles to scramble nets, squeeze tubes to slides and lots more. A fantastic item and ideal for large events. This unit starts from 50' and can be made up to over 100' in length using all sections!


Mini Obstacle Course

Click To Enlarge
Approximate size: 10’w x 30’d x 16’h
Suitable for: Children up to 12 years
Hire price: From £120.00

Our new one piece obstacle course in a bright and colorful sea theme. The digital artwork on this is so bright and colorful, kids will be drawn to it! Inside there's squeeze walls, biff bash and a 2m high slide.

Click here for delivery information

All sizes for the inflatable's given are approximate and should not be
taken as being the maximum unit dimensions. Corporatefun will not be
held responsible for the delivery of a unit that will not fit the site.
You will still be charged for the hire so please check the size of your site area.

  All text and graphics ©2013 Corporatefun
Corporatefun, Wister, Crossgates, Llandrindod Wells, Powys, Wales LD1 6RP
Tel: 01597 851 999Fax: 0872 115 5851